Saturday, February 28, 2015

BAD ASSUMPTIONS While Waiting for Job Offer

I believe that every fresh grad has the same issue, which is the employment. So, same as me. I’ve facing the employment issue for a couple of weeks, 6 weeks. I went thru a few interviews but it doesn’t seems fit me. Finally I’ve received an interview invitation from the company that I’m longing for. That’s definitely a great chance for me. I’ve went thru the interview. The interview went smooth and that’s nothing too bad for the interview.

However, they’ve missed the deadline or the time frame they’ve given. I truly understand that the feeling doesn’t well at all. I’m so fed up and worry for their call and I’ve been waiting for so longggggg. Well, I know I have to call back or ideally drop them an email to say that I didn’t receive any feedback from them and I’m still waiting for their feedback. Well, I hope that’s good news. Or maybe I'm not the one they wanting. Well, this is one of the example of negative assumption.

Saying these entire things seems not very motivated to my readers. It’s ok. I’ve found some articles online, and I found some of it to motivate myself. So I would like to share here so that my reader would have an idea that what should they do. I hope it helps if you’re having the same issues as me.

Practice Post-Interview Patience, Positive Thinking, and Practically.
Job interviews have been likened to a dating. However, the problem is most of us arent good at employment courtship-like process because we haven’t done it awhile. Perhaps we’ve been in a “relationship”, or otherwise not participating. Consequently, we’ve forgotten some of the basics – like being patient, being positive and also being practical about the whole process. Well, I know it’s like dating, but the feeling doesn’t well at all. The feeling would be sending you to the chopping board and awaiting ppl either to chop you or survive. 

Bad Assumptions about Job Interviews
Unfortunately, there’s no quick or simple solution to this conundrum. The best way you can do is just try your best to manage your feeling, your thoughts, your expectations and the responses, and not making assumptions. Ya, not making assumptions. It sounds so well. But how to not making assumptions, here are some points.

First of all, DON’T ASUME DEADLINE ACCURACY. INSTEAD, BE PATIENT. I know the interviewers would give you a specified date, or a time frame when they would have their decision made. And I guess most of the interviewee would ask about this. And that deadline is today or was yesterday or last week. But you haven’t heard from them by their own deadlines!!! Well, everybody knows that feeling very well, and we all knowing that the feeling is torturing especially you really want that job!!! In a job search, a missed deadline is often – although it’s not always – means nothing more than that something or someone caused a delay. Depending on the size of the organization and the number of ppl involved, literally hundreds or thousands of variables may impact the schedule. Yaya! I know I shouldn’t  make any assumptions on that, but dear expert, do you know that extremely difficult?  When don’t know we have to keep calm whatever we are doing. Ok! We shouldn’t make assumptions that might be depressing. Got it!! No Negative ASSUMPTIONS!!!

Second, DON’T ASSUME THAT NO NEWS MEANS BAD NEWS FOR YOU. INSTEAD, PRACTICE POSITIVE THINKING.  Expert said, when you don’t hear from an employer within the specified time frame or on the expected day, don’t assume that all is lost. At least, NOT YET! Well, this sound motivates, but why they aren’t giving me a call!!! Feeling so frustrated. If you really want the job or feel its good fit for you, practice patience, and do NOT give up! Stay in touch, but don’t be an angry pest! Hahahahaha!!! I’m becoming the angry pest because I didn’t receive any call form them!!! Common courtesy should mean that they’re in touch with you in advance when they discover they are going to miss the deadline, but reality is that such communication seldom happens. Then don’t want to take the time, deal with the questions you may have about what happened. So, we should expect perfect communications from the employer’s side of the process while doing your best to manage yourself and your expectations. Ok! I agreed with this, perfect communications rarely happening. I know this well, because communication students. Hahahahaha!!!

Third, DONT WAIT FOR AN ANSWER. INSTEAD, BE PRACTICAL ABOUT YOUR JOB SEARCH. While you’re waiting for the call, or even a job offer from that favourite employer, DON’T STOP JOB HUNTING. Please be understand that your job search is not over until you’re holding a written job offer in your hand – that’s an offer with right salary, job title, and starting date. Until then, you’re still officially job hunting, so don’t hit that “pause” button on your job search while you’re waiting for the feedback from that employer. Well, I keeping job hunting, but expert, there’s a question from me. What if you’re having  the offer from others company, not right paid but right job title and starting date. Well, give it up? Or work for it? Well, work or it I guess, while waiting for the feedback, but don’t you think that irresponsible? If reject, why I keep going for interview and reject the offer? It sounds wasting time and money!

After I’ve read so much of articles, so much of expert’s opinions, anyway, I still didn’t get the right answer. Well, I know there’s a win-win result, which is received the offer from the favourite company. Hahahahahahaha!!!

Comment above is just based on my thought; please don’t take it very serious. Otherwise, you’ll become an insane, so as me!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! 

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